Print Technologies is aMumbaibasedprintingcompany WeCommencedouroperations . in 1998. With ourbusinessreachingnewheights in 2008, we decided to expand ourbusiness by settingupouroffice in Bangalore. Playing aleading role in the commercialprintingmarket, we sensed an opportunity for expansion in quality& fast turn around printing.Today, we are aone-stopsolutionsource for all your printingneeds. Our sprawling 6000sq. ft. digitalworkshop is equipped with the world's most reliable printers forboth indoor & outdoor prints. We also we carryadequatestock of allinputs.Andallour units are convenientlylocatedand offeracompletesolution for allprintingrequirements,specializing in highquality services-Designing,PrintingandCopying. Print Technologies assures immediate response on inquiry, high quality printing, best prices and on-time deli very services.
The idea is to achieve customer satisfaction by offering thebestqualityandprices. We provideachoice of two entry points into high end digital color printing with sophisticated features enhancing productivity and profitability supports faster turnarounds, large and smallprintruns,andcomplex mixed-mediaandvarious- Information jobs. Three optional color services provide a choice of workflow to suit your business applicationsandneeds.
Our team is dynamic, knowledgeable and highly experienced. We are always available to share our expertise and assist you in your business. Printing is a complex task but, we are here to walk you through it to ensure a delightful experience
Our entire printing process goes through a fully automated workflow to minimize human error, maintain consistent high quality printing standards and reduce overhead costs. These savings are pressed on our customers and print quality remains amongst the best in the online printing industry
Our technology includes advanced facilities offering digital and large formatpresses along with advanced finishing capabilities and excellent customer service. Our focus is to consistently deliver high quality output. With expertise of over a decade, we are fortunate to produce the best quality of prints which can only be compared to more expensivesingleprojectprintruns